Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Life is...

Life is not a formula where you plug in the factors and get exactly what you want.

Life isn't a game where you can pass go and collect two-hundred dollars.

Life isn't a fairy tale where everyone lives happily ever after.

Life isn't a movie you can replay over and over. It can only be lived once.

Life is not a bread and breakfast where you get Captain Crunch served on a silver platter.

Life isn't a car-camping trip with paved walk ways and wi-fi access.

Life is a rugged endeavor where you make incredible friends and meet annoying trolls that later transform into incredible friends.

Life is an experiment where you put baking soda and vinegar together and find that it doesn't go over very well.

Life is a wild beast and a sometimes you have to grab the whip and tame the lion.

Life is a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs and lots of screaming.

Life is a play you perform, but most of the time you don't understand your role or the lines until afterwards.

Life is a fight to treasure the diamonds you've been given.

Life is realizing that the Son of Man doesn't have a hole like a fox or a nest like a bird and neither do I have a place in this world.


  1. Amen. You said it all. I especially like the ones about the annoying troll, the play, and the last one (which I think was the root of what triggered this post). I can so relate.

  2. Life has so many shades! :) And true... we were created for something greater than this!
