Monday, May 12, 2014

A Fancy List of Blogs I Like

I’m thankful that people enjoyed reading my last post. But now I have a problem: I have nothing intelligent or profound left to say. Seriously, it was all funneled into that 1,700ish word post. I thought about writing a series of posts covering all the other emotional problems I have, but decided against it.

I thought about telling you all about the time my older sister gave her hamster a bath in the humidifier and then blow-dried it to a parched perfection (needless to mention, he passed away in the process). I guess that would make people laugh and that can be good, and maybe someday I’ll write out a whole swath of humorous family anecdotes, but not today.

I wish I had something grand and clever and to say. I wish I had great gobs of intelligence and humorous sarcasm from which I could write scathing rebukes on controversial issues to our morally bankrupt, do-what-you-feel-like society. I wish I could stir people up and resurrect a “stand for the truth!” spirit and let it burn like a bon fire, like my latest and greatest blogging hero, Matt Walsh of the (Really, he is, like, my top favorite blog right now. I highly recommend you check out his stuff. Read, like, everything.)

On the other end of things, I’m not super amazing when it comes to sewing or DIY home décor projects so I can’t show you how to create the cutest handmade clutches in all creation (but if you do want to see them, a really adorable baby boy, read book reviews, or just hear about a wonderful Christian woman’s life and find out why she’s gluten free, check out one of my other favorite blogs:

Sometimes I get frustrated because I like words a lot and at random moments in the day I’ll think of an artistic way to string a few together. But then I usually don’t have a larger frame to place them in for display or I’m not really in a place/time where I can flesh out my thoughts and do them justice. And by the time I actually do have a space for thinking, often the fancy has passed and I’m stuck again.

I’m also not a mom who does cool stuff like mission trips and talks about her kids and yummy recipes like this awesome lady at (I haven’t kept up with her blog for a while, but it is still a pretty good one).

I’m also not an uber spiritual, inspirational, super author like this incredible woman at or this one at (I highly recommend you read both blogs. The profound thoughts and down-to-earth attitudes are so uplifting.)

I’m not like any of these bigwig bloggers. I’m more like a…toupee blogger. And if you’re bored, you now have several new reasons (the above websites) to procrastinate and waste time. J You’re welcome.

So, I guess you can expect my next lightening bolt of inspiration to arrive in about five years and a half years. In between you’ll be entertained with senior photo shoots (or junior or sophomore shoots), occasional intelligent epiphanies, and short, sweet devotionals about things like nature and leaves.

OK, just kidding. Hopefully it won’t be that bad. But it’s nice sometimes to write for the sake of writing, which is kind of what this was. Thanks for reading my rambles.

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