Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bali/Java pictures part 2

Here's the rest of them! Hope you enjoy! 
 Another boat nearby our ferry
 Our driver
Our luxurious Lamborghini--I mean Landrover 

 A random building across from the gas station we stopped at.

 I think the most people I've seen squeezed on a motorbike is four or five. However, I've heard of six before. It cracks me up when I see a baby asleep in his mom's arms, another kid behind her, Dad in front, and possibly some groceries too, all piled on one little motorbike.
 The Indian was SOOOO beautiful!
 Look! It's Squirt!

 When we arrived, there were a lot of other people there. The sea turtle was already burying her eggs. 

 It was such a neat experience! You'd never get to do something like this in the U.S.
 As soon as Mama turtle was finished, the locals who run sea turtle sanctuary (I think that's what it was), dug up her eggs. She had laid one hundred and one eggs. 
 My room
 My bathroom. I don't like Asian showers.

 I don't know what these trees were, but the look like something out of a Doctor Suess book. They were in front of the building we were staying in. 

 Road out front

 Random building

 Random sign

 Our humble abode
 On our way back, we stopped a couple of times so I could get some pictures of the rice fields. To tell the truth, I didn't get pictures of the really beautiful ones. I was so tired. You're lucky you're looking at these ones. 

On the way back to Dili, there was a book store in the airport. We had a little time to kill. So I decided to check it out. As I was walking around, I saw the volume pictured above. I had to laugh! I'm not sure if it's pronounced the same in this book, but Sharon Jeon, my roommate my first year at Fountainview, dubbed me with the nickname "Wallie" after I had only known her about four days. Over the years it has stuck like glue and morphed into other versions: Wallie, Wally, Wolly, Wallister, Wallace...So, when I saw this book, I knew I just had to take a picture for you all to see. 
Make a great day!


  1. Hey! Loved looking at all the pictures. It's okay if you didn't get a photo of a pretty rice field, I know what they look like. :D Guyana had lots of them!
    Jerick thinks the book title "Where's Wally?" should be your blog title. :D Hope you have a great day. That's so cool you got to touch the sea turtle too! Love you, Cato

  2. I did enjoy! Thanks :) It's so cool to see all the things you experienced. Love you lots, Val

    PS By the way, Asian bathrooms do not usually correlate with the kind of people Asians are... hehe :)
