Friday, May 11, 2012

Who I'm Missing

Tonight as I was preparing things for supper, I had a flash back.
I had turned on itunes and selected a playlist, and as I was walking hither and thither, a song I hadn't heard for quite some time came on. The lyrics are below.

I heard about the day You went away
You said You had to go prepare a place
And even though I’ve never seen Your face
I’m missin’ You

I lie awake tonight and I watch the sky
And I wish it didn’t have to be so high
‘Cause I’m belonging on the other side
And I’m missin’ You

‘Cause somewhere behind those stars
Is Someone who belongs to me
And I know in my deepest heart
There’s a place for You until I find the place You've made for me
But still I’m missin’ You

I dream about Your promise to return
And I wake up hangin’ on Your every word
But for now my feet are planted here on earth
So I’m missin’ You

And even while they say that I’m a fool
I know you see me waiting here for You
Oh, and prayin’ that somehow You’ll get here soon
‘Cause I’m missin’ You

‘Cause somewhere behind those stars
Is Someone who belongs to me
And I know in my deepest heart
There’s a place for You until I find the place You made for me
But still I’m missin’ You
Oh, I’m missin’ You
Lord, I’m missin’ You 
-Chris Rice

The words of the song and the melody tugged at my mind, taking me back a couple of years to a high school dormitory in another country. A friend was working on an essay and had included these lyrics in her writing. She had asked me to look at it and give my opinion. I don't remember what I said, although I'm sure it was positive because anything she writes is amazing. But I remember a little of what she wrote. She wrote about how she misses God. 

Now, a couple of years later, in a completely different country, as well as continent, that song she used in her essay played on my computer. And as I pondered for a brief moment what she'd written back at Fountainview and the lyrics of the song, I thought that's how I would like to be. I would like to come to the point where I love this Jesus so much, that I really miss Him. Being here in Timor has shown me what it's like to truly miss someone. I've learned what it's like to miss someone to the point where it aches so deep and far down in your heart, the tears spill out of your eyes. Sometimes they pour down your cheeks like a drenching tropical rainstorm (I've experienced some of those here). Sometimes it's just a single drop that leaves it's mark on your face, telling of the bigger mark left on your heart. 

It's hard for me to understand missing God like that. I'll be honest that I don't as of now. But I want to. I want to love this God so much that I can honestly say, "Jesus, I miss you so much! Please come quickly!" 

What's also intriguing is that God misses me, someone who rarely pays much attention to Him except when I get into trouble. A girl who says she wants to give God her heart and let Him be her all in all, yet every single day she let's herself get distracted with the shiny, sparkly doo-dads of everyday life. To think that God misses this girl infinitely more than she's missed her friends, family, and home country in all the time she's been away. That goes right over my head. He's in a totally different world, yet He's getting a place ready for me. He's expecting me. He misses me.

 I wonder if He ever cries like I do. I wonder if His heart ever aches so deep and far down that the tears pour down His cheeks like a drenching tropical rainstorm, their marks on His face telling of the bigger mark I've made on His heart. 

As I think about this, part of me says, "No way." I shake my head. It feels like something an insecure person might invent in order to comfort himself and cope. I write about it, yet the reality doesn't sink in, like water off a duck's back. I don't think long enough or hard enough to absorb it all. And that's really the problem. I don't push myself to chew on this mystery long enough or thoroughly enough to let its nutrients penetrate my too-easily pleased, malnourished heart. I'm satisfied with a doughnut and coffee rather than wholesome, nourishing food. 

But if I can just learn to engage my mind, if I can learn to truly pray instead of simply saying a prayer, it will sink in. I can't make it sink in, but He promises that if I'm willing and ask, His spirit will put seeds of understanding and a love for Him in my heart. I will see that all the tinny, shallow toys of this world are nothing in comparison with the Creator who loves me, who's expecting me, who misses me. 

Lord Jesus, help me to understand. Help me to leave even the good things in this life alone long enough that an understanding of Your love for me can sink in and take hold of my life. I'm powerless to fight against my apathetic, contented heart. Resurrect in me a burning desire to know You, the One who misses me more than I could ever fathom in a million lifetimes. Help me, Lord, because I don't know what I'm missing...or rather, who I'm missing. 
Your clueless daughter,


  1. Wallie, thank you for sharing. I find it interesting that I was just thinking about something along these lines while I prayed before I went to bed last night. I was praying for a friend of mine that they would eagerly desire a one-on-one relationship with God, just them and God, and then God reminded me that this is what He wants with me. And I remembered that this is what I want with God. Just me and Him. I kind of missed the times before when I have felt closer, or sensed His presence nearer -- when I stayed close by His side every moment of the day. I miss that. And the fact He reminded me implied that we were missing it -- that He missed it. So thank you so much for sharing and helping me put a finger on it. I guess I could say that as I read what you wrote it echoed my own soul's cry.

    If I remember correctly, I think you were the one who suggested the lyrics in the first place :)

  2. Thank you for sharing, Sister… interestingly, your thoughts and lines also echo the thoughts and prayers of my heart lately, as well as pointing to a few things I might not have thought of myself! Praise His name… :)

  3. Oh, Allie! Just this past week I've been missing Him so bad! I've been aching for Him to come and take us home, but I was almost scolding myself for being so wimpy. Thank you for this post. It really encouraged me to keep missing Him, even though missing hurts. I love you girlie, and I miss you too! <3

  4. Allie... this post was exactly what I needed to read right now. There has been so much going on lately that has added stress to my plate, and I've been longing for something... something else. I've been so close to tears so many times. Yet I'm so happy! Life just gets confusing, and I am slowly realizing that I have to hold onto the hope that His promise that He's coming will be fulfilled soon. I miss so many things (you being one of the most important things!!!), but I also want to learn to miss Him more than anything else. Thank you for putting into words the thoughts I was having a hard time forming. I can't wait to see you, girl. Btw... my mom said that when I come home to CO for my week off, she was already planning that getting together with you would be a high priority! Can't wait! Love ya, girl! <3 MISS YOU!

  5. Aw! Chelsea! I miss you too! I CAN'T WAIT to see you!!! Haha! I can't wait to get to know your mom better. I'm so glad this post was able to bless you. Praise God!

    1. :) After you shared your ideas with me last night, I came back to this blog post this morning and started to read it again. My mom called before I finished, so I was telling her some of the things we talked about. I explained your idea to her and then decided to just read her the blog post so she would have the context, too. As I read it out loud to her over the phone, it struck me really hard... harder even than the first time I read it. I had tears pouring down my face and was struggling to keep myself from choking up. My mom almost started crying, too. Allie... keep writing! I've been blessed by everything I've read. Keep letting Him use you! Loved talkin' to ya last night... let's do it again sometime! :) Once again, I miss you!
